Muhammad Ali

Software Engineer aiming to build a brand.

Muhammad Ali

I was into computers since I was in high school. I thought some day I’ll create one of these cool games myself but it turned out I’m aligning some “Submit” button to the right of a form. Still, I think I’m a natural programmer. I don’t want to brag about it but I think I’m doing a great job in it. Whenever I face some problem, I’m always thinking about the solution. Recently I had a dream about merging two arrays without using a third one and I’m not kidding. I can’t stand code smell. Whenever I write or see some hacks in project which I’m working on I get horrible nightmares. My motto is: Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.


BS in Software Engineering

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Islamabad, Pakistan


Sr. Software Engineer - Emumba

June 2017 - May 2022

Technical Skills

Javascript / Typescript

React, React Native, Redux Toolkit, Jest, NextJS, Gatsby, NodeJS, Formik, AgGrid, Webpack, Micro FEs

My Portfolio

Resizable Element

React / Typescript

Resizable Element

An open-source library to resize width/height of a react element.

Circular Carousel

React Native

An open-source library to create a Circular Carousel in iOS and Android.

Riyadh Movers

NextJS + Strapi

Riyadh Movers

Strapi, a headless CMS serves the content for multiple languages which is served statically using NextJS.

Assembla / Gitlab

Chat Bot - NodeJS

Assembla / Gitlab

Skype/Telegram bot which notifies right in your chat upon any git operation.

Tweet It

Alexa Bot - NodeJS

Tweet It

Amazon's Alexa Skill which lets you tweet on your Twitter timeline.

HTTP Router

FusionJS Plugin - NodeJS

HTTP Router

An open-source plugin for Fusion apps to register the http routes / endpoints.

Material UI

FusionJS Plugin

Material UI

Major contributions in plugin of Fusion apps to support SSR for Material-ui.

React Invoicer

React / FusionJS

React Invoicer

An open-source app to generate invoice and download them as PDF.